Knowledge Base Article
Article# A01042
Date 1/3/2002
Applies To CAR_PRO Any Version
Description Descrepency in Interest charges on in-house finance deal. The actual amount of interest that is collected does not match the amount displayed on the Deal Info - Finance tab.
Symptoms Descrepency in Interest charges on in-house finance deal. The actual amount of interest that is collected does not match the amount displayed on the Deal Info - Finance tab. The amount of descrepency can be higher or lower.
Cause The finance tab uses the following formula to calculate the initial projected interest charge... ((Payment x Term) - AmountFinanced). This simple formula does not take in to concideration that when all the principal for a loan has been collected, the loan is paid. Look at the following example... AmountFinanced = 3242.14, Term = 33 Mos, Monthly Payment = 126.49 On the finance tab the finance charge = 932.03 or (126.49 x 33)-3242.14 assuming the customer makes all the payments on the exact due dates after the 32nd payment the total amount of principal paid in will be $3120.32. This leaves a remaining principal of only 121.82 and the final interest charge for the final pay period is equal to $1.88. 121.82 + 1.88 = 123.70 so the final payment due is a little less the the normal payments of 126.49 and this is what creates the descrepency.
Solution No solution required. The described behavior is by design and the calculations are correct.