
The CAR_PRO system has powerful reporting capabilities, which allow you to customize and save report specific filters, so you can display information the way you want to see it. There are several basic reports that come standard with the application, however we can design any report that you can dream up. In the top left corner of the "Reports Menu" screen you will see a list of your reports. There are several types of reports, which you can choose from by selecting one of the following categories from the drop down combo above the reports list...
  • Inventory Reports
  • Sales & Profit Reports
  • System Reports
  • Other Reports
  • Sample Reports
All of the reports for the selected category will then be displayed in the list. When you install custom reports they will automatically be placed in the appropriate category. To run a report, highlight it in the list and click either the "Print To Screen” or “Print To Printer” button. You will also notice a pair of combos below the list, which allow you to choose how the report should be sorted and ordered. The system will automatically remember these settings for each report as it was last sorted.

For Inventory or Sales & Profit Reports you can define report specific filters which are also automatically saved for future use. To run a filtered report click the “Filters” option control, which will open the report filters on the right side of the screen. Now you must define the filters. The filters are setup in rows, which are displayed in a grid in the lower half of the filters section. To edit a current row, highlight it by clicking the row on the grid and change the options at the top portion of the filters section.

To get an idea how the filtration system works, let's take a look at the illustration above. The currently selected report in the picture is the "Profit Analysis" report. Now look at the "Report Query" grid list (see image below) and you will see two query rows defined. Based on this filter query, when you run this report you will see only deals that were "DELIVERED" after "05/27/2005". As you can see, you can setup a multitude of rows in your filter query which will enable you to create many useful variations of each report.