CAR_PRO® Features Overview
Look at what CAR_PRO® can do for you and your dealership...
CAR_PRO® now includes a complete Service Module which will give you the ability to manage your shop and print service tickets. It will also help you manage your work load and calculate commisions for your service writers and technicians.
We now offer automotive websites which integrate directly with CAR_PRO®
Check out our samples with many styles to choose from... CLICK HERE!
QuickBooks® Accounting Interface.
Inventory - comprehensive tracking & reports.
Search your Inventory by monthly/weekly payments.
Transmit your Inventory directly to your AutoTrader® account, with the simple click of a mouse.
Buy Here Pay Here management.
Request credit reports through Trans Union, Experian and Equifax from with in the application.
Customer credit information screen.
Vehicle expense tracking.
Floor Plan tracking.
Save big money by printing your own retail Window Stickers!

Complete F&I package allows you to calculate payments with Life & Disability Insurance.

Leasing - conventional and FMCC RCL.
Customer tracking.
Custom Print Forms & Reports designed to your specs!
Calculate commissions & print weekly vouchers.
Wholesale Wizard screen allows you to quickly bill out multiple transactions to a single customer.

Point and click billing.

Forms printing for Bank contracts, State forms, warranty forms, odometer statements, follow-up & thank you letters.  Virtually any form that you don't want to hand write can be custom designed.
Management tools.
Program reminds you when to make follow-up calls, floor plan & trade payoffs, scheduled deliveries, p-note due dates and much more!
Promissory note tracking & Pick-up payments.
Runs over a network so you can access the program from any PC in your store.
Extensive Help document which provides information on all of the screens in CAR_PRO.

Setup and track multiple companies.

Multi-Level security system allows you to password protect any screen.
Built in backup utility so you can protect your data.
Technical support by phone, Internet or email.
Highly competitive Pricings Plans!
Download the full version of the
program today and try it before you buy it!